Winter Weather Liabilities

Winter Weather Liabilities

The winter months bring more than just cold weather and shorter days; they bring the possibility for winter storms that may result in snow- and ice-covered landscape. While it may be a winter wonderland (lucky that is north of us here in Hattiesburg) for some, as a...
Structural Issues and Aging Buildings

Structural Issues and Aging Buildings

While modern building codes and structural engineering have made buildings extremely safe, facilities managers must maintain a high level of upkeep for them to remain that way. As buildings age, they can lose their structural integrity. As such, if simple repairs are...
Real Estate Risk Management

Real Estate Risk Management

Real Estate Risk Management While real estate is often a wise investment, it can be tricky business. There are just so many things that go wrong when investors, like you, seek to make long-term investments in real estate. The better you understand those risks, the...
Common Real Estate Risks

Common Real Estate Risks

Real estate is a business where risk is ever-present. The most common real estate risks often involve unknown factors about the condition of the property and the instability of the real estate market. In some cases, especially if you are purchasing rental properties,...